Links & Books


The American Name Society
The American Name Society was founded in 1951 to promote onomastics, the study of names, both in the United States and abroad. It is a non-profit organization that seeks to find out what really is in a name, and to investigate cultural insights, settlement history, and linguistic characteristics revealed in names. The site contains information about the organization's conventions, publications, a partial list of recent articles, and links to related websites.

Jerry Hill Presents Names
Whether you are researching a name for your pet or your family history, Jerry Hill's site can help you find it. Organized alphabetically by topic, including a long list entitled 'assorted', Jerry Hill's website is a clearing house devoted to names. Comprised of lists of names and links to other sites, it is possible to either find yourself (through the genealogy, history and heritage sites) or lose yourself (in the fun and game section) in names (as he states on his site).

Featured in The Sweetest Sound, L.I.N.D.A., a club for people named Linda, is an acronym for Linda's Involved in the Network Development Association. Founded in 1987, Lindas of all ages gather at the national conventions. They aim to promote each other's businesses and/or personal interests all while having a good time making new friends. They also do charitable work. If you are interested in becoming a member log onto their site; the only requirement is that your first name is Linda, Lynda or Lynnda.

The National Genealogical Society
This service organization leads and educates the national genealogical community. The Society serves over 17,000 members including individuals, families, genealogical societies, family associations, libraries, and other related institutions.

Jim Smith Society
The Jim Smith Society is an international, non-profit, fun group of men who have joined together since 1969 in celebration of their common name. These men are not related, other than the name they each share with one another. There are currently over 1800 members. Every year there is an annual meeting, the Fun Fest, which is customarily held on the third weekend of July.

Genealogy Sites
Are you interested in learning more about your family history? These two sites are among the best places to start your search.

Ellis Island
From 1892 to 1924, more than 22 million immigrants, passengers, and crewmembers came through Ellis Island and the Port of New York. The ship companies that transported these passengers kept detailed passenger lists, called "ship manifests." Now you can research passenger records from ships that brought the Immigrants -- even see the original manifests with passengers names. Aside from researching passengers, you can create your own Ellis Island file, learn more about immigration through a timeline of history, and read about six Americans of diverse backgrounds and their search for insights into their family's pasts and themselves.

Cyndi's List
A genealogist named Cyndi founded this website, which now has become one of the most comprehensive genealogy sites on the Internet. It provides over 90,000 links to other genealogy resources, divided into over 150 categories. The topics range from research tools and reference materials to Famous people's family histories.

Start Your Own Name Club

Inspired to start a club with people who share your name? There are numerous sites on the Internet that allow you to create an online club for free.

Register a Domain Name
A domain name is a web address -- you can register a webpage with your name and create a page devoted to you or register one as a present for someone else. The Accredited Registrar Directory provides a listing of ICANN-accredited domain name registrars that are currently taking domain name registrations. The directory is available alphabetically, by location, or by language supported.