Filmmaker Bio

Alan BerlinerAlan Berliner's uncanny ability to combine experimental cinema, artistic purpose, and popular appeal in compelling film essays has made him one of America's most acclaimed independent filmmakers. His award-winning documentary films, Nobody's Business, Intimate Stranger, and The Family Album (all featured on POV) have been broadcast all over the world and have been honored at top international film festivals. He has won three Emmy Awards, and has had retrospectives of his films staged at both the Museum of Modern Art and the International Center of Photography in New York.

A native New Yorker, Berliner is currently a faculty member at the New School for Social Research, where he teaches a course entitled "Experiments in Time, Light and Motion." Berliner received a Distinguished Achievement Award from the International Documentary Association in 1993, and was a recipient of the Storyteller Award from the 2001 Taos Talking Picture Film Festival this past April. In addition to his work in film, Berliner has also produced a large body of audio/video installation work. He will be an artist in residence at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis later this year, and has been commissioned to create a large-scale interactive sculpture titled "Gathering Stones" for Holocaust Museum Houston which will open in March 2002.