How They See Us  
Triptych of images from Lebanon, Venezuela and South Africa

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America is the world superpower for a reason. We are the best country in the world. We have the most money and the most immigrants. People come here for a reason. They choose to come here because they want to suceed. All we are trying to do as a nation is help other countries suceed. All the other countries can stop blaming us for their problems. We are helping. The state of most yur countries are not at our level with the exception of a few countries. As a world power it is our duty to help other countries. If they do not want our help they can continue in their self wallowing pit. $$America$$

— Jamal, Texas (9/8/2006)

After reading the different entries from foreigners about their view of America, I find their responses Some see us as a "City Upon A Hill", or an example for others to follow. In their eyes, we are heros for them. On the other hand, other's believe we are warlike and imperialists which cause hardship for others. Their responses are various and very intreguing.

— Joe Bob, Alabama (9/11/2006)

In my opinion, America is a great country and does not face as many problems as other countries are unfortunately dealing with. America is very lucky and blessed, and I feel that Americans take this for granted. Americans make problems bigger than they really are, and they get more people involved with these problems than is necessary.

— Charlotte Webb, Tucson, Arizona (9/11/2006)

The USA and any other country with sufficient resources are not living up to their potential. Every day, people all over the world, not just in the US, are getting more and more stupid. Everyone is guilty of closing their eyes to the world's problems. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future in some way. The hatred needs to stop. I do not speak in America's defense because I believe that this country, being one with very many resources, is wasting its potential to make this Earth a better place by not doing good. Sending troops to Iraq and Israel and other warring countries is not doing good if the troops are ineffective to the degree they have been. However, the U.S. is not the only country with the power to make changes. All anyone has to do is open their mind to other ideas. That is the biggest problem with the Taliban -- they do not believe there is any other way of life worth living than their own, and all the blood they have shed is a direct effect of this belief. Anyone who closes their mind to diversity and the idea that communication and understanding is the key to peace is severely hindering those who would affect change. I beg you, all of you, to do your best to stop this madness. Revenge just makes a fatal cycle and only destruction will come if we are stuck in it.

— Jasmine, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA (9/11/2006)

In my opinion,the US is the greatest country in the world.Yeah,we have our problems,like the drug problem and prostitution,but we haven't done like some other countries in the world and legalized them to ignore the problem,we try to solve the problem. 1 problem that they do ignore is abortion,instead of that being legalized we need to work and solve the problem,abortion is not the answer,it's part of the problem. Bryon(American)

— Bryon , North Carolina,USA (8/18/2006)

America hates terrorism but most of the IRA bombs in the 1970s, 80s and 90s were funded by American dollars. Terrorists don't hate freedom - if they did they would also bomb Norwegian/New Zealand/etc embassies. Remove your military bases and stop proping up repressive regimes in the Middle East and see if things improve. The man who co-wrote the words in your constitution "all men are equal" had over 200 slaves. The American Civil War was not about slavery but economic undercurrents between North and South - despite how Hollywood and your history books want it remembered.

— stuart may, australia (8/21/2006)

American President want to rule on the whole World.It is sure that he is mad. He does notwant to know that every Nation is made by the Humans and he is treating them as a inhuman manner. I am against to him and against the American,s who cannot understand his policies and elected him as a new president of America.At last i just want to say that God almighty is great and He do something because He cannot see His peoples die.

— Haseeb Hasan, Islamabad (Pakistan) (8/4/2006)

America is made up of every ethnic background there is on the face of this earth. Americans are hated so much because of it's diversity,a little heritige of every country,and each of those countries are a part of the U.S because they were the unwanted,the poor,the weak,and those that were homeless became the Super power,of course the country made up of those who were once slaves to the rest of the world is going to be hated,and disliked. America has a short history since it's birth,America was not responsible for the thousands of years of war and raping of societies and civilizations,that even today those countries cannot settle themselves. It is easier for a dictator to cite interpretations of what to say,and how to beleive,to bann words that have evolved into other societies borrowed from yet another. Most European countries have a history of invading neighboring countries and colonializing them. through force and conquer,the U.S hasnt conquered any foreign lands. The problem today that countries have with the U.S is because they have way too much time on their hands,instead of working hard for their needs their busey rioting in the streets complaining about erroneouse ramblings in which their political bodies has meticulousely embedded within their society. Lebanon,recently the people rioting about the 26 Lebanese that were killed in a Hezbollah hideout,they spent their energy in destroying the UN building,yup the UN with 2,000 in lebanon that sat quietly on the sidelines,watching Iran transport Katusha rocket's through Syria into Lebanon to Hezbollah just to antagonize Israel,a little country surrounded by enemies,a little country that has a known terrorist political group in her heart known as Hamas,nope Americans should stay Americans,they are way to educated to fall for the ploy of the rest of the radical and uncivilized parts of the world,and all others that are educated in such matters are also labelled as a target due to their association with the west. Iran renaming Pizza to elastic loaves,what an idiot,doesnt he know pizza is actually a German food,and he renamend it to elastic loaves,ironic that elastic is actually an english term,and invented by an Englishman Thomas Hancock,boy the Iranian president sure is a smart one isnt he,cry baby cry!

— hittingrabbit, usa (8/5/2006)

I think that being such an expansive and omnipotent (both physically and in essence) nation there will always be groups that disapprove with a source of action or lack thereof. No solution can result in the elimination of these oppositions, but a significant reduction can and should be arranged. The key to this dream is an extremely capable president and board of advisors. I think that America's tarnished reputation may be shed if national and international matters were handled by a board of politicians equipped with the proper knowledge and extreme passion for their task. America made the promise and took initiative in becoming a global babysitter. Now they have to do the job, and do it well.

— Chris Lee, Brooklyn, New York (8/11/2006)

I feel the Lebanon and Venezuela should take responsibility for their own actions as well. They shouldn't blame the U.S., not that i think the U.S. is completely right i'm just saying that Lebanon and Venezuela should of known better. It's not like the UN didn't try to stop them either. I don't know this whole situation with these massive killings really isn't something i enjoy reading about in the paper in the morning and as i read it i just wonder they started it, they need to end.

— Diana Lu, New yOrk. (8/12/2006)

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Global Perspectives
Video 1: Venezuela thumbnail imageVideo 1: Venezuela

South America has taken a decidedly leftist turn in their recent leadership choices, with democratically elected Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez becoming the most outspoken critic of President Bush and the U.S. in the Western hemisphere. Freelance reporter Chad Heeter visited Caracas and asked Venezuelans to share what they think about Americans, the Iraq War and President Chavez. (5:53 minutes)
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Video 2: Lebanon thumbnail imageVideo 2: Lebanon

Say the words "Beirut" or "Lebanon" to anyone over 30 and they would probably free associate words like "kidnapped American citizens," "Terry Waite," "civil war" and "scary." But that was the 1980s. Beirut today is the most populous city in Lebanon, a major tourist attraction and the site of the thriving American University, a private college founded in 1866 under a charter from New York state. Documentary filmmaker and NPR reporter Kate Seelye visited the campus in the Fall of 2005 to talk to graduate students about their views of American policies in the Middle East. (4:21 minutes)
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Video 1: South Africa thumbnail imageVideo 3: South Africa

In Johannesburg, young people are cynical about the good things television tells them about the U.S. Reporter Amy Costello takes to the streets to ask South Africans — both young and old — about their take on the U.S. (3:47 minutes)
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