How They See Us  
Triptych of images from Lebanon, Venezuela and South Africa

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I just made a comment before but i would also like to add that i'm not exactly blaming them but i suppose they should of thought about the outcome so like... think before you act. Maybe it is because i'm an american that i feel we shouldn't be blamed but we're also helping them...

— Diana Lu, New York, NY, USA (8/12/2006)

They talk like Americans do not know what is going on in the world and use tanks as diplomacy. Yet is was Muslims who started the civil war in Lebanon and destroyed a beautiful country. The biggest problem in the Middle East is that the people don't take responsibility for what they have allowed to happen. Millions of people were killed in Iraq by the dictatorship yet the Shite Muslims sit back and watch the same Sunni Muslims who were in power before start a civil war. The problem with the people interviewed is that they have no idea what happens here in the United States and depend on their information from a liberal socialistic press.

— Richard Bulgarelli, Houston, TX (8/9/2006)

People need to take responsibility for their own problems and stop constantly blaming the U.S. for everything that goes wrong. They need to remember that anytime you point your finger at the U.S., there are four more fingers pointing back at them.

— valerie, GA (8/9/2006)

I love it when ignorant foreigners blame their problems on our ignorance. If the Lebanese had made any attempt to control Hezbollah themselves, they would not be in the predicament their in. Instead, they ceded control of Southern and the Bekaa Valley to terrorists. Now they are shocked that these terrorists have started a war with Israel and it is somehow America’s fault that Israel is trying to stop Hezbollah from killing its soldiers and citizens. Pathetic.

— Chris , New Jersey (8/8/2006)

It it the fault of Americans that there is evil in the world? Absolutely not. Is it the fault of Americans that Pearl Harbor happened, that 9-11 happened, that innocent American citizens are beaten, killed, beheaded and tortured for the rest of the world to see... again NO. These sick, evil people have to be stopped. We have too much history on our side to think that appeasement is the way to peace. The world should be grateful for the USA and the restraint with which our policies have been inacted. When was the last time we really acted like an Imperial Japan or a Roman Empire and went conquering our weaker neighbors... I love this country as we citizens all should. If you don't like the current administration just wait a few years. That is another thing that makes this country so great, peaceful elections that can totally change the emphisis and direction of our policies.

— Benet, South Jersey, U.S.A. (8/9/2006)

the "world" is, at best, our "mother", and does not judge us thusly, or make comments about us on a computer. if you want to feel what the world thinks of americans, go outside in the sunshine and feel it on your skin. it is the same for you, wherever you are. people that are talking, being interviewed or offering their comments can really represent themselves, only. we can use language to try to communicate agreements and disagreements, but we are always just aiming toward an idea, just trying to share an idea. it is really quite marvelous. it is a miracle that two hands can touch, that two voices speak and hear. these sorts of miracles should be kept in mind when endeavouring to understand the poor human species, and its susceptibility to illusion and deception. to focus on the reality of living, one must be observant of love, the only idea that is truly productive. so many teachers have come to teach this theory. some understand it. everywhere you go, people are the same. there are good people and bad people. strong willed people, and easily corrupted people. therefore, weilding power is a thankless job. questions: when people from other countries regard the united states at this time, are they regarding its generosity, its innovation, its own civil history, its attempts at liberty, its unwieldy spectacle. are the nations judging the united states judging themsleves by the same standards? what are the nations of the world doing to promote the cessation of war, namely and especially those who criticize the united states the most? which nations have sworn to destroy the united states, and how much of their speech has influenced other nations? which nations have used the united states in the past, or have hidden or taken shelter behind its power? which nations have neglected their own defense for what kind of reasons, and now must demand defense from the strong? as new nations emerge with comparable strength, which ones pose a threat to the united states, and which ones are willing to share power? if you are not from the united states, how is power weilded in your country? what is your country's history? is your knowlege of history relative to its interpretation? anyway, understanding power is one of the main reasons that freedom is eventually necessary for all individuals, but should indicate to any intelligent being that freedom of the individual requires as a prerequisite that the individual be worthy of his reign, the royal monarchy of the self. to live in a free society, one must govern oneself in a manner that is not harmful to others. free people everywhere are all still working on this. sadly, the concept that there is some sort of rip-off taking place when one does not get what one desires helps to degrade the will of the species. so many people do not work for their own good, or for the good of others, but live lives that take place looking for someone else to create for them a place to be, even, underneath their own hearts, a reason to be. stand up human beings, and be worthy of your sentience. if you expect your life to be good because someone else's is, you are barking up the wrong tree. if your life is good, then you are happy regardless of your possessions or lack thereof, and you are not consumed with the preoccupation of judging others. this does not mean that sadness and hardship will leave you alone, but that you will be able to endure, because you experience grace, like that sunshine mentioned earlier, which is withheld from no one another. it is the only way out. love is the brilliant door.

— jehanne, indiana (8/7/2006)

What can I add that has'nt already been said. But to add a great big Thank You to the "Drive-by-Media" for getting the "TRUTH"(BIG LIE) to the rest of the world. The world will never get the real story from the anti-american, pro-terrorist media. The truth is a lie and lies are the truth.

— Neil Frank, Stamford,CT. USA (8/7/2006)

Where would these people be without America? The students in Beirut are going to an American university. Speaking American and going to McDonalds. How can they sit there and bash America when they would still be living in mudd huts if it were not for American money and industry coming to their Country. I guess the people of Africa have forgotten the fact that we sent troops over there and still do to help with their civil war. The problem with our foriegn policy is that we care to much. We spend billions helping out these other countries only to chatized for our policies. All of these third world countries would be in dire straights if we did not help them. Here in America we welcome imigrants and GIVE them a chance to make a better life. What happens to Americans when we travel to these countries. They are kidnapped and killed. Lets see what happens when an American citizen goes to Lebanon and demands that they be allowed to errect a catholic church or needs some medical attention but has no insurance. We live in a great country. If you dont like it dont come here!

— Dean Wolfe, Sterling Heights Michigan (8/8/2006)

To our overseas friends: Unfortunately,our ballots do NOT and cannot determine how you live. There are absolutely NO means of securing the fidelity of any candidate to his campaign promises, so that a candidate may promise one thing, and deliver the exact opposite! There are no safeguards to either prevent this from happening, or to correct this when it does! Witness how Bush in the 2000 election promised a "more humble foreign policy" and then turned into a raving warmonger after the 2001 9-11 atrocity. I'm not even going into the fact that the so-called results of the "elections" themselves are often extremely questionable... Add to that that the government acts on the basis of decisions that we subjects have no access to, and we also have no access to the information upon which the said bureau(c)rats and "elected" officials make the decisions, or issue their rulings. Most lawmaking is done in secret, beholden to interests (diplomatic, corporate, criminal, academic etc.) which we can neither effectively control nor reverse. As with the 9-11 twin towers atrocity, we Americans find it enormously expensive and difficult to even ascertain the truth, when it can be done at all! A growing number of us Americans are coming to realize that if "voting could really change the system, it would be against the law"! My heart goes out to those people overseas whose lives and property are afflicted by the criminal monstrostity in Washington D.C. and its policies, but I, and my fellow Americans have no more control or responsibility for its actions than you have over the governments whose rulers and their favored courtiers inflict their misrule over you with their corruption, greed, and lies. PEACE AND FREEDOM David K.Meller

— David K. Meller, (8/2/2006)

While in ecuador, I found an important POV articulated that I didn't see featured in these excerpts. Many Ecuadorians I spoke with, regardless of socio-economic status, disagreed and disliked the Bush administration, and opposed our foreign policy, but they liked and respected Americans as a people. It was heartening to see them make this distinction between a people, and a government. Although, I've been disappointed with American's lack of grasping this concept, for example scorning everything French rather than disagreeing with their government, "Freedom Fries"?, hopefully we'll get the message soon.

— Dave, Philly (8/2/2006)

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Global Perspectives
Video 1: Venezuela thumbnail imageVideo 1: Venezuela

South America has taken a decidedly leftist turn in their recent leadership choices, with democratically elected Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez becoming the most outspoken critic of President Bush and the U.S. in the Western hemisphere. Freelance reporter Chad Heeter visited Caracas and asked Venezuelans to share what they think about Americans, the Iraq War and President Chavez. (5:53 minutes)
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Video 2: Lebanon thumbnail imageVideo 2: Lebanon

Say the words "Beirut" or "Lebanon" to anyone over 30 and they would probably free associate words like "kidnapped American citizens," "Terry Waite," "civil war" and "scary." But that was the 1980s. Beirut today is the most populous city in Lebanon, a major tourist attraction and the site of the thriving American University, a private college founded in 1866 under a charter from New York state. Documentary filmmaker and NPR reporter Kate Seelye visited the campus in the Fall of 2005 to talk to graduate students about their views of American policies in the Middle East. (4:21 minutes)
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Video 1: South Africa thumbnail imageVideo 3: South Africa

In Johannesburg, young people are cynical about the good things television tells them about the U.S. Reporter Amy Costello takes to the streets to ask South Africans — both young and old — about their take on the U.S. (3:47 minutes)
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