On May 10th, Simon Kilmurry, Executive Producer of American Documentary | POV will be participating in the “Doc U: The Future of Docs on PBS” panel hosted by the International Documentary Association (IDA) in Los Angeles. He will be joined by Gordon Quinn (Artistic Director of Kartemquin), Brenda Brkusic (Executive Producer of Program Development at PBS SoCal), Lyn Goldfarb (Academy-Award nominated director) and Lois Vossen (Senior Series Producer at Independent Lens).

PBS has long been a crucial outlet for independent documentary programming. For years, POV and Independent Lens have been able to reach millions of households across the country to air important and timely documentaries about a variety of global issues. In recent months, PBS has moved the two documentary series off its core schedule from Tuesday to Thursday nights. Last week, both programs saw significantly reduced funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The panel will explore the state of documentary programming on public broadcast television in light of the scheduling changes and funding cuts.

The event will take place at 7 PM on May 10th at The Cinefamily in Los Angeles. POV viewers can use the following promotional code to purchase discounted tickets to the panel: http://doc-u-may-2012.eventbrite.com/?discount=POVDOCU.

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POV Staff
POV (a cinema term for "point of view") is television's longest-running showcase for independent non-fiction films. POV premieres 14-16 of the best, boldest and most innovative programs every year on PBS. Since 1988, POV has presented over 400 films to public television audiences across the country. POV films are known for their intimacy, their unforgettable storytelling and their timeliness, putting a human face on contemporary social issues.