just for the 
ride 'em ¤ corral ¤ boots 'n suits ¤ no bones ¤ the movie

Which would you be more comfortable in?
cowboy boots high heels

boots cause the best lookin guys are in tite Wranglers and they only look at the girls who are lookin' sexy by wearin' their boots and Wranglers too. I'd like to see the guys with baggy jeans and docs put their ass on a bull and stay on for five secs. Their too damn afraid. I'm a cowgirl whose not afraid to show my stuff. I be walkin' around naked before you ever caught me in heels.

because it's what I grew up in and I can't stand being dressy. I love being dirty!!!

they just fit better

I am a cowgirl myself I ride bulls And you are crazy if you think you can were that other stuff to ride bulls in

Because I like in the country so I always be wearing boots

I like it

High heels are really uncomfortable.

I'm a cowgirl and wear them all the time. Even to school. They're a heck of alot better than stupid hight heels!!!

it's easier to ride in.

it's easier to put your heel down in

because it is COOL!

I want to be comfortable and you can not be comfortable in heels. but then, mom always called me a slob. Well, I am a comfy slob. Also, my husband and I can wear the same shirts.

It's the way i've grown up.And i hate dressing up and despise dresses and boots and a nice pair of jeans looks nice.


cause it is saver than heels



In the summer that is what I always wear so I think that it is the most comfortable... Why do the high heel thing when I can have my boots

Those have better grip.

It brings out my inner cowgirl.

That's just the way I am

Because the other pair of shoes are very uncomfortible.

Because they are more comfortable, and don't pinch your toes.

they last longer and they are more confterbal


boots Im a cowgirl so I like boots. I ride just about any horse. the only kind of horse I dont ride is a stallion.I like boots because they help me ride. ecause when I where them I

they look alot more comfy but no style whatsoever

I am just use to wearing boots because I am a Cowgirl

Because they need heels so I have more weight in the back so I don't fall forward as easy....

blue geans black sweater black

comfprtable fit great ankle support, do horse crap gets on your feet


there loose!!!!

I like cowgirl boots more than any other shoe in the world,(except tennis shoes).And plus those damn high heels or what ever are too sissy looking and besides since I'm the strongest girl in school.

I can't walk in heels

If I was a cowgirl I would wear some jeans because they are confaterabl and boots because they look neat.

more comfortable

High heeels hurt naturally

I want to be a boy

I think there cooler then all of them conbined


more comfortable than heels anytime!!!!


Actually, I wouldn't feel comfortable in either of them. In fact, I would rather wear Reebok running shoes. Leo

I don't know why?

you can get higher

My toes start cramping in high heels. You also can't run. I wear them 5 days a week whether I like it or not.

There is no comparison, only a total idiot would wear shoes designed by a person who wouldn't wear them

there's room for both my feet and a good bulky pair of socks.

they feel great on and you get a hell of a lot more traction...

That's who I am a cowgirl. If you put me in a pair of heels it would be almost like you're making me into someone I'm not.

Because they're loose and comfy

it feels good

They are sasyier and more comfortable!

You can't put spurs on anything else There's nothing more comfortable than a pair of old riding boots!

they are loose and easy to ride in

always have been always will be. the way i was raised its the way i like.

I just like the way cowboy boots look, especially ropers.

Because they are better than heels

High heels Suck only sluts were those. Cowboy boots rule!!!!!!!!!!!!

because I am A cowgirl I don't care what people think on how I dress. The only thing that matters is how I perform Because people see through the other crud. And whats the point I would rather wear something and look good and not be uncomfortable. Besides I'm a cowgirl and thats the things I wear everyday

cowboy boots rock! it's the only way to go!

i'm not much of a boot person unless your talking about docs but i would rather wear boots than those damn uncomfortable high heels

I would be more confortable in cowboy boots because I would be able to walk in them.But cowboys boots aren't that good.The best boots are doc martens.They kick ass!For the pants I would rather wear the baggy ones because personally,I don't fing wedgee's confortable!

I think that people that wear spandex are usually stuck up and unheathy.

good arch support and easier to walk in than heels...heels hurt my back!

I would be more comfy in the boota of corce. Their pretty ugly but i dress for comfort

i don't like cowboy boots,but i'd chose then over heels anyday.I don't understand how girls can prance around like hores in tight spandex that gets stuck up your ass and heels which squeeze your feet in so tight!It's sexist having outfits so small for women.do people actually expect others to fit into that?I'm very skinny but that doesn't mean i'd actuallu wear it.Screw the saying"if youv'e got it flaunt it"Some people don't like to look like sluts.Just because it fits,it doesn't mean you have to rush out and get it!

because they don't squeeze my feet and hurt me.i'd fall flat on my face walking in those things.Why should people have to suffer for fashion just to end up looking like sluts?it's unfair.

pumps are too uncomfortable, and in my opinion, boots are stylin'!!

Because They Comfortable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think about it, spandex is too tight, gives wedgees, and unless you got a great body, they don't look that spiffy.


because i think teir cooler

hey...unless Im being forced to go to a wedding...who would want to wear those stillettos? Boots are much more funky and , lets face it, comfortable.

in cowboy boots 'cause a cow is cool &so r boys

because they are comfotable and i have hard trouble walking in heels because i have bad ankles besides the pumps or heels don't give you too much support for your ankles

Lower heel

I have narrow feet and tendonitis, so I feel better in comfortable shoes. But I love the way I look in heels (and they make me taller!) so i live with the pain sometimes.

They are not too grubby yet not too flashy.

what would you rather expirence? Having your heels propped up into the air for no apparent reason? Or classic comfort in some jazzy boots?? That's what I thought.

boots because i can walk and they're comfortable

They are more comfortable because you have room to move around in them and sometimes it feels like you don't even have them on

easier to walk in and i wouldn't wanna wear green shoes.

I feel that what you

Because I like cowboy boots over high heels any day there more comftable than high heels

I think these boots are Chic! I go for those high boots!

Apearence doesn't matter!

I live in my boots. It`s pretty hard to ride a horse in heels.

Boots are part of my life. I can't work in high heels on the farm and I have too much work to do to risk breaking my neck (because I am VERY uncoordinated).

Because pumps KILL my feet and make them really sore, that's why.

because I have very wide feet and I would never fit into tiny pumps

They are more comfortable and you can move easier in them.

I'm a country girl.

because they're comfy

I cannot walk in high heels but I love walking in boots even though I am a girl. Anyway I could never ride in high heels, I have yet to see some one that could.

I cant imagine my self riding a horse in hi heels

I don't like boots or highheels I dig ballet shoes or sneakers

I don't like heels because I am already tall

Definitely the boots. High heels are uncomfortable and boots can show people just how tough you are.

Boots are always the way to go. You could be knee high in mud or horse dung and your feet will still be dry. Boots will never let ya down.

definetely not a heels kinda girl

High heels are uncomfortable and i can't walk in them.

I think these are comfotable because high heels are tight and pinch your toes!!!

Because I'm your everyday cowgirl-who wears my boots everywhere! I love to ride!

I wouldn't be caught dead in either one, but if I had to choose boots would be better.

Heels hurt my feet

They look more comfortable, and nothing is less flattering then a pained expression.

High heels(as almost all women know ) are hard just to walk around in, let alone be in a rodeo.Jeans are always comfy. Lainy

dont pinch your damn toes


there a lot easier to walk in then high heels are!

because if there's one thing i hate...it's spiky high heels. they make walking impossible, and they give you blisters on your feet that are the size of grapefruits (well, maybe not THAT big, but they're pretty damn huge!). not that i'm a huge fan of cowboy boots, but at least they don't permanently injure my feet whenever i wear them!

they are much more comfortable!


nice fit, kick more ass with less effort

Okay, I get it now. I would wear the boots with the jeans because it's the only obvious choice given here. Otherwise, I definitely prefer high heels. The right shoes can make your legs look extremely sexy.

I don'tr understand why there are two boxes here to answer the same queestion.

I have triend to wear high heels but I end up ruining them so I'll stick with the boots. Besides I have big feet and they look crappy on me anyway

I think boots are a lot more comfy than high heels

Neither. I like shoes that have very good gripes, I would wear in public, and that don't come from dead animals. Both those look like they squeeze your foot into some unimaginable shape for 18 hours.

Heels sink in the dirt!

Once again it is Jayde here. I like to wear shoes from the $10 shop because they are alot more comfortable and they are less irritating then heels and they just slip on not like the boots. Plus they match my string bikine. I do modeling for Kmart and I find the $10 shoes from ther much better then expensive brands. I also make my own shoes. But I don't wear them. I hope you wear the shoes that you like rather then the shoes that your friends prefer. In other words do as you feel!

I like the boots better because they are more comfortable. I don't really like the colour though. It's too gross!! I'd be more comfortable in boots because your feet arn't gonna have blisters on them! But I don't really mind what shoes I wear (except for old, ugly sandals!) because people don't look at you feet. They look at your clothes!!

I grew up treated in some ways as the "son my parents never had", even though they had my brother! I was practical and handy with tools, so my dad used to take me with him on construction jobs. I didn't wear high heels until I was in my 20's.

What else would cowgirls where?


They're cool

I just like them better

Although I don't wear boot everyday, because of my lifestyle and interests, they are more typical for my personality.

Because heels are quite uncomforable, They hurt your feet and make it hard to walk.

People have there own opinions about what the like and dislike. To me, I would much rather wear a pair of boots because to me it secribes who I am and what I am about. What you put on should represent yourself. I wear my boots because I like em', and I don't give a rat's ass about what other people think 'bout my clothes. Boots can go through hell and still be good enough to go dancin' in. That's what they were made for. Not to be polished at set on display. And let me tell ya...you need a decent pair of boots...I could not picture a women ridin' a horse in heels. Talk 'bout pain!! Ouch! Well, I said how I felt. =)

I don't like these boots but I would be more confortable in these than the other pair.I would prefer trainers.

They don't pinch your toes.

high heels feel oppressive and disabling to me.

more comfortable

Boots are more practical for the everyday work that comes along with being on the rodeo road. High heels are for reminding everyone that you do have a feminine side and they had better not forget it!

Defintally the boots. I have my own pair of Justin lacers I absoultly love them.

comfortable and letting people know you are a cowgirl

I'd feel more comfy in boots because if I have to walk around the whole damn mall, I don't have to worry 'bout my feet. If I always wore heels(Yes, I do occasionally), my toes would look horrible and ache for a lifetime!!!!

Boots are spiffy.

More casual, can wear anywhere.

Because high heels are just to uncomfortable if you are always acting like some object to be looked at who knows what's going to happen to you? For gods sake, if you knew how much people actualy cared about how you looked you would be amaised! be yourself and don't let other people's idea's enfluence you. If you want a boy friend he won't care how you dress, just how you act.

Because high heels make my feet hurt and uncomfortable

Are you kidding fellow gurls? High heels!!! I deserve to look the sexiest ever and i won't dull my radiant beauty by wearing those ever so icky masculine and clunky uglier than ugly boots! I'm gonna strut my stuff in those heels and like it!!! And ohhhhhh boy, are the boys gonna like it too!!

High heels are just too dressy and I don't like getting dressed up. It's not that I'm a big cowboy fan or anything they are just more comfortable than high heels.

Boots are dope and should be worn by everyone. However, I an a few others should be be the only ones allowed to wear Olathe boots made in Olathe Kansas

it looks really nice

high heels are inhibiting in a dangerous situation where as boots can kick some ass

it's hard to tromp around a barnyard in heels. And bootscootin sounds and feels better in boots.

easier to stay on your foot

Cause the mud don't sneak in between my toes.

i love boots

at least I can walk in them

Because Cowboy boots are better then any other boot or shoe!

More like me. I like to be comfortable. I only impress myself. That's all that matters.

They are more comfortable and they look beter.

they make me feel lke i'm in charge

Can't walk proper in heels!

I would be less likely to twist my ankle

green's not my color!

I ALWAYS wear boots, not cowboy boots, but regardless of what style... boots are boots!! I feel more comfy in boots, they don't contort my feet into deformed appendages! I only own one pair of pumps, and I can't even remember the last time I actually wore them. I wear my boots with everything, skirts, dresses, shorts, and jeans! Comfort is my goal, and I keep my boots polished and somewhat nice looking.

I'm far more comfortable in boots than in heels. As we all know, they're easier on the back and better for wading through all of the crap men are always trying to get us to believe ("those heels make your calves look great").

I would be more comfortable in boots because they are designed for comfort not for style only. I'd rather rope little doggies thant have my calves crying in pain from those heels.


i don't like boots neither but just better than high-heels here.

I'm a guy, so obviously I can't wear pumps. But seriously, I think cowboy boots look great on guys and give them more confidence. They make you a little taller and the stitching looks really nice.

comfortable, easy to get around in

Better to ride my horse in!

Because the heels aren't very high and they match wtih jeans.

Boots are an attitude--they are more comfortable than any other shoes I own, and they broadcast my love of country music and dance!

Western Boots are design for Comfort and support and I have yet to see anything come close to it in Class

Well, I don't exactly like cowboy boots either....but heels are sooooo ugly, uncomfortable and bad for your back (my main reason for not likeing 'em!)

I try not to

more manly

I happen to be a guy and I'm already tall enough thanks.

I feel more powerful in shoes that are comfortable and especially in boots, which feel strong. Also, I feel self-conscious in high-heels, not only because I'm bad at walking in them but because they feel like a costume.

Look, I may not be out there on a buckin' bronco, but pumps? Yeah, right- real practical for getting around (Plus, you could lose an eye or something just trying to get them on.)

cause, man, i don't wear heels

honey, y'all gotta be crazy if you're gonna wear shoes that hurt your feetsies

they can hurt someone

boots cover my calves

boots don't contort my feet

they make me look phat

I like boots because I am tough and sexy when I where them.

Excuse me to all those girls who think that cowgirls are ashamed of being girls. We ain't. We're just showing off the strength we've got. You girls don't know what it's like to get up every day get dressed in boots and Wranglers and then look in the mirror and know you look good. Before you leave the house put on your hat. You know your gonna be turnin' a few guy's heads in the jeans you got on. So why don't ya'll just shut your slutty traps and quit whisperin' behind our backs. If we wanted to we could beat your ass any day, but we weren't raised that way. We learned to accept differences, so why the hell can't you???

Bigger heels to keep in stirups

becaus Stone cold said so

Its simple and can be worn at almost any occassion

cos i hate cowboy boots and i am used to high heels

women look nice in high heels

I perfer the style

cowboy boots hurt my feet


you can't move your legs in cowboy boots.

actually neither. I enjoy casual. I grow up showing cattle and lived on a farm. Back in the late 70's I was showing my cattle wearing leather niki tennis before they were cool. We us to call them Tennie lawmans (get it.

Because they are more formal and less manly

just because

i have my reasons

because I hate wearing cowboy boots.

i like high heels cause they look nice and they make my feey feeel as if u r flying

Because I said so!

I want to be a boy

i am cool

because i can

because i wear this type of shoe more than i wear the other one. i'm just more used to it.

I feel sexy in them. That´s why!

Cause they´re beatutiful

look better

I hate boots and if i ever found a pair i liked i wouldn't ware them anyway

I feel attractive in this kinf of outfit.

Cowboy boots tend to hurt my feet, so do high heels but not quite as badly.

i don't dress cowboy style. i usualy wea dressess sice i go to many restaurants and hotels all the time. i guess i feel better in them.

Their dressy and I don't look good in boots.

awsome color and neat style.

I like too be jazzy

The jeans and the boots are a hick look, that is not in at my school!

I want to feel very feminine and chic no matter how much it hurts.

I don't like the cowboy look!

I like being in style

because i'd rather stay in touch with my feminine side rather then feel like a complete guy

Pumps give me the long leg I need.

I think this site is really babyish get some desnet games

it looks alot cooler plus i don't want to look like a hick

When I wear boots it always feels kinda weird when I walk and "Strange but True" I kinda think high heels are comfortable--if not worn for a long time!!!

They're Beautiful


Cuz I ain't no freakin' cow girl!

I would be more comfortable in the heels because I HATE cowgirl boots!!!

they are easy to put on and the are fun

they go with the pants and they are stylish

I would never wear cowboy boots. I woulsn't wear heels with jeans either, but heels over boots.

They're esiere to walk in. !!!!!

These would be comfy because you would look so fab with an awsome colered dress to match these shoes. Also because they would make you look sophisticated if they were a different colar in a business suit!!!

High heels are sexy! You gurls should know that! although they hurt your feet, and I would NEVER weargreen.Their still the best! And better than clunky Cowboy Boots!


They are easier to get on and off

i think cowboy boots are gross

just because.


Truthfully, I don't think either one is comfortable but I like the dress shoes better.

I chose the heels because around here every body knows me for wearing "different" types of shoes.

i hate cowboy boots

I feel more feminine, better dressed.

because they are hard to walk in

Boots are heavy and hard to move around in heels can be just as comfortable as boots.

I would rather wear the heels but after youve worn them for ages ya feet will start to hurt. The boots are ugly but i think that they would be nicer in a different colour and maybe not so high.

High Heels are better cause ya don't have to do up the laces, especially if their knee high boots. Once I had knee High boots and it took me ages to lace them up! High heels are neat and their better looking then boots. Their way easier to put on except your feet can get sore if you wear them for too long.

It's who I am.

because I can slip dress shoes on and off easier than I can boots


easier to wear and also walk i think

It's what I'm used to wearing.

Cause, like, boots make you look like uncool!

Are you kidding fellow gurls? High heels!!! I deserve to look the sexiest ever and i won't dull my radiant beauty by wearing those ever so icky masculine and clunky uglier than ugly boots! I'm gonna strut my stuff in those heels and like it!!! And ohhhhhh boy, are the boys gonna like it too!!

i have a couple pair of frye boots but they aren't that


i've never worn cowboy boots before so i'd probably be very awkward in them, therfore uncomfortable. high heels aren't the most comfortable thing but compared to cowboy boots, yes.

They wouldn't be clunking around and getting in the way. I had a pair of Doc's (the boots), and they were so heavy!

just like the way they look and feel

I haven't ever had cowboy boots that were comfortable. actually I don't like heels generally. I have some relatively flat soled boots that I really like, but I also like some of my fancy high heel shoes

because i try to look good alot of the time

I do wanna show that I am a female and that I am not ashammed of that

I marked the pumps, but the truth is that I would be comfortable in both equally. Making one choice is not realistic, because these suit different moods for me. Some days I may rather wear pumps, and others I would wear boots. For all the different emotions, moods, feelings and people inside me,just these two pairs of shoes would not begin to cover it. I know a lot of people would think I like pumps 'cause I want guyd to think I'm sexy, but the truth is I dress only for myself. If I wear a pair of shoes, it is because I like them, not because I want people to think or look at me a certain way.

feet get sweaty in boots

stockings worn with socks

Boots aren't me.

because they seem lighter and small

All I want to do is please my boyfriend.

I'm a girl

Boots aren't made to fit my calves.

I am not very much of a cowboy boots person, although i don't know about the loafers either

I like the way high heels make my legs look.


Height equals might.

Easier to get on escalators!

i like high heels but i can't walk in them

i mostly wear dresses--cowboy boots would look silly

i like my toes to feel snug in a rug

i feel like a little lady

in boots i would feel like a big clunk

i was born & raised in them

they make me look divine

How do you think the clothes you wear affect the way people think about you and treat you?

POV ¤ PBS ¤ girl, 
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