POV's Documentary Blog

POV's Justine Nagan speaks at DOC NYC

Justine Nagan shared insights into her new role as executive director/executive producer of POV and reflections on her days at Kartemquin Films yesterday at DOC NYC’s Insiders Conference. The theme for the day was “Reaching Your Audience.” Justine gave sound advice to filmmakers about finding partners for their engagement campaigns, citing Joanna Rudnick’s Emmy-nominated doc about breast cancer and genetic testing, In The Family, which aired on POV. Not only has the Kartemquin film engaged communities all over the country, but it also played a part in the landmark Supreme Court ruling of 2013 regarding genetic testing for the disease.

Public media’s unique mission drew Justine to POV. “Certain films should be available for free across the country, not just in urban centers, but also in small towns,” she stressed. “The kind of films that POV chooses go across generations and attract younger audiences looking for authentic stories and ways to engage in the world around them.” Both public media and pay television are needed to support a thriving documentary community, she added, citing such critically acclaimed films as Return to Homs and Art and Craft, which were part of POV’s 2015 season.