POV's Documentary Blog

'Lost Boys of Sudan' Illuminates Refugees' Challenges After a Safe Arrival

As nations across the world grapple with their response to the Syrian refugee crisis, communities and local lawmakers return to the question of how to best support newly arrived refugees in their communities. Lost Boys of Sudan (POV 2004) follows two young Dinka refugees, Peter and Santino, through their first year in America. Their struggle asks us to rethink what it means to be an American.

Lost Boys of Sudan is now available for free community screenings from the POV lending library. Screen the film at your local library, refugee support organization or school. The film is also available for free streaming through August 8, 2016 here.

There are just a few quick steps to register your screening and borrow the DVD:

Explore additional resources around Lost Boys of Sudan:

Have questions about the POV Community Network or how to set up a screening? Email the POV Community Engagement and Education team at events@pov.org.

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