POV's Documentary Blog

Last Chance to Win a High Tech, Low Life DVD!

High Tech, Low Life is streaming online until August 21st, which means it’s not too late to watch and enter our Premiere Party Giveaway for a chance to win a Party Pack with the High Tech, Low Life DVD, plus the Neurotypical, Only the Young and xoxosmsDVDs.

Enter the giveaway before or after you watch the film — just fill out the entry form here before 5:00pm ET on Wednesday, August 21st.

You can have a Premiere Party on your own, or watch with friends,  family, staff, or your whole community. Check out some of the Premiere Party plans and responses from POV viewers:

Premiere Party winners will also receive organic popcorn from Quinn Popcorn, Fair-Trade and organic dark chocolate from Divine Chocolate and Fair-Trade, organic and shade-grown coffee from Grounds for Change, plus a POV reusable tote bag.

ALL entries will be eligible for the Grand Prize! Enter now at: www.pbs.org/pov/premiere-party/