POV's Documentary Blog

'The Oath' Streams Online, Director Laura Poitras Joins Live Chat with PBS NewsHour for 9/11 Anniversary

Watch the Emmy-nominated 2010 POV film, The Oath, online all this month on the POV site, and join a live chat about post-9/11 documentaries with Academy Award-nominated director Laura Poitras today (Monday) at 2 PM ET (11 AM PT).

The Oath follows the story of Abu Jandal, Osama bin Laden’s former bodyguard, and Salim Hamdan, a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay Prison and the first man to face the controversial military tribunals.

Monday’s chat includes feature a panel of experts including…

Hari Sreenivasan (PBS NewsHour) hosts the chat on Monday, September 12, at 2 PM ET (11 AM PT). You can sign up for a reminder and participate in the chat below.

Live Chat on ‘The Oath’ and Gitmo, 10 Years Later