POV’s Community Network members are holding free screenings of POV films around the country all year long. Last year, we had over 500 screenings!
Check out some of the exciting community events coming up over the next week…

Rochester, NY

The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers
Sunday, May 1, 2011, 2 PM
Clips from this 2011 Peabody Award-winning documentary screen at Rochester’s WXXI studio followed by a discussion with Daniel Ellsberg via Skype and American Documentary Executive Director Simon Kilmurry in person. For more information, including how to make reservations, visit WXXI.org.
Find out more about the film at POV.

New Holland, PA

Wednesday, May 4, 2011, 10:15 AM
The Eastern Lancaster County Library begins its monthly POV screening and discussion series with this award-winning doc. For more information, visit the Eastern Lancaster County Library website.
For more about the film, visit POV.

Brooklyn, NY

My Perestroika
Thursday, May 5 2011, 7 PM
The Brooklyn Museum hosts a sneak preview screening of this much-talked-about film, followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Robin Hessman and the Meyerson family, from the film. For more information, visit the Brooklyn Museum website.
Find out more about the film at POV.

We post a listing of the coming week’s events every Friday here on POV’s blog, but you can always view the full calendar on our local events page.
Want to see a free screening in your community? Tell us where in the comments!

Published by

Jamie worked in the Community Engagement and Education Department at POV from 2010 to 2013. Prior to joining POV in 2010, Jamie worked at Northwestern University's satellite campus in Doha, Qatar, where she was part of the team tasked with setting up the school's film and journalism programs in the Middle East. She has worked in various capacities on many documentary film crews around the world, including productions in West Africa, and has worked closely with acclaimed filmmaker Margaret Brown. Jamie has also previously worked in the exhibition department at the Field Museum of Natural History and the education and cinema programming departments at the Block Museum of Art. She holds a bachelor's degree from Northwestern University in Radio/TV/Film and African Studies.