You might have noticed that things have been a little bit quiet on the POV front recently, and that’s because we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes, readying the new POV website for launch! Well, it finally happened last night:

Screenshot of the new POV website

Check out the new POV website!

We’re thrilled with the new website, and we hope you can spend a little time perusing it. There are videos galore to watch, topics to explore, filmmaker interviews to read and a whole lot more! We’ve designed the website so that all of our content from the past 22 years are a lot more accessible and integrated. What do you think? Have we succeeded?

Please note that the code monkeys are still hard at work on the back end of the site, so if you run into unexpected 404s, or if something goes awry, let us know! We’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.

Special thanks to the superstar teams at PBS Interactive, Six Apart, and Mule for all their help!

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below or through our contact form! In the meantime, we’re just going to put our heads down and close our eyes for a little nap…

Published by

Former POVer Ruiyan Xu worked on developing and producing materials for POV's website. Before coming to POV, she worked in the Interactive and Broadband department at Channel Thirteen/WNET. Ruiyan was born in Shanghai and graduated from Brown University with a B.A. in Modern Culture and Media.