4.1 Miles

PBS Premiere: June 26, 2017Check the broadcast schedule »

Partner Toolkit

Host a Screening - For Free!

Join POV's Community Network to borrow 4.1 Miles for free screenings in your community, classroom, staff trainings, or workshops. Note: Screenings can start in May 30, 2017.

There are just a couple quick steps to borrow films from our free DVD Lending Library:

  1. Join the POV Community Network. Check your inbox for a link to confirm your email address. A member of our team will approve your registration within 1 business day.
  2. Request: Once approved, log in to your account and click "My Events" to register a screening.

Screening Toolkit: Resources for organize and promote a screening.

Have questions or want to talk with our team about your event? Send us an email at events@pov.org.