The Reckoning

PBS Premiere: July 14, 2009Check the broadcast schedule »

What Do You Think About the ICC?

ICC-CPI Prosecutor Michael KoorenAs you know, POV films are documentaries with a point of view. In the case of The Reckoning, filmmakers Paco de Onís, Pamela Yates and Peter Kinoy made their film as part of a larger initiative they are involved with that aims to raise public awareness of the International Criminal Court and international justice. At the core of this initiative is, a social network for international justice designed to be a resource for the movement to bring perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide to justice.

They are interested in gauging the impact of The Reckoning on public opinion about the ICC. It would be extremely helpful for the growing ICC movement if you would take 2 minutes to answer a few questions about the ICC and their film.

And after you fill out the survey -- no matter where you stand on the ICC -- POV will provide you with information about how you can engage your community with this issue.

Fill out the survey »
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38 people responded to the survey as of October 13, 2009. Here are the results:

Had you heard of the International Criminal Court (ICC) before watching The Reckoning?

Yes: 52.6%
No: 47.4%

Did you understand what it was?

Yes: 90%
No: 10%

Do you feel that you understand the ICC more after watching The Reckoning?

Yes: 100%
No: 0%

Do you think the ICC is a good idea?

Yes: 100%
No: 0%

If you answered "Yes" to the last question, can you tell us why?

Many viewers wrote in. This particular viewer wrote a response that was typical:

"It is a good idea because it demonstrates that even people in power are not above the law, that justice is a vital part of having true peace and security, and that being a part of global community means to be accountable for your actions."

As you know from watching the film, the United States is not currently a member state of the ICC. Do you think the United States should join the ICC?

Yes: 92.1%
No: 7.9%

If you answered "No" to the last question, why do you think the U.S. should not join the ICC?

Of the viewers who answered this question, the following viewer's response was typical:

"Allowing the US to be attacked in the ICC could have wide-ranging consequences including the destabilization of international political relations."