Presenting Princess Shaw

PBS Premiere: July 17, 2017Check the broadcast schedule »

Take Action

  • Make your own multimedia mashups, perhaps featuring people from your school or community or
    exploring a current event or issue.
  • Offer a workshop on video editing that also explores the tensions between free culture, copyright laws and the ethics of digital sampling.
  • Create a fund and/or sponsor a showcase to support promising musicians in your community.
  • Host an intergenerational dialogue between grandparents and grandchildren to explore issues raised by life in the digital world, e.g., what is and isn't acceptable to share publicly; the differences between fame (or "likes") and accomplishment; and the qualities of in-person as opposed to screen-mediated interactions.
  • Invite successful working musicians to talk with youth audiences about what it takes to make it in the music business beyond a good voice or talent. What music skills are needed? How about business skills?