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 Rebecca Walker

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Photo Credit:
Joanne Savio

Your Questions 6 Questions

P.O.V.'s Borders visitors sent Rebecca these questions in response to her work and her answers to P.O.V.'s initial 6 Questions. Read on!

Question: Hello Rebecca. My question is, How do you, as a biracial person, contend with racism in the lesbian and greater queer community?

Rebecca: I find it disappointing, but no more or less than when I find it elsewhere.

Question: Here's a biggie: what are your visionary ideas for solving the issues/struggles you work on?

Rebecca: I believe that psychotherapy and spiritual awakening are major components of the new activism. People need to, individually, wake up and stop looking to groups of any kind to define and liberate them.

Question: I'm interested in your work with the Third Wave Foundation, of which I understand you are a co-founder. What is the Third Wave of feminism?

Rebecca: This would take a while to answer, but in the meantime, check out our website, and check out my first book, To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism.

Question: What do you think is different about being an activist today compared with the 60s and 70s? Do you think protesting and marching is still worthwhile today?

Rebecca: I think we need all forms of activism, and that is one of the main differences, that we recognize now that movement is happening on multiple fronts simultaneously and must. It isn't just the picket lines, or the marches on Washington, it's also the millions of meditators, the thousands of organic farmers, the writers who infiltrate curricula, etc. Change is not some linear, chronologically defined thing. It is constant, it is multi-pronged, it is diverse.

Question: Hi Rebecca: as a healthy, successful lesbian woman, what advice would you give to young lesbians struggling with race,class,etc. issues? What was important for your survival — in forming your queer identity.

Rebecca: I am bisexual, which means that I am attracted to people irrespective of their anatomy and gender socialization. Insisting on this freedom, in the face of all of the people who would rather I choose one or the other, has been super important to my survival. For young women exploring identity, I say read as much as you can, talk as much as you can, join together in safe spaces as much as you can. Isolation is dangerous, so work hard to find and make and cherish community.

Question: How did you come to write Black, White and Jewish? Did you write it for yourself?

Rebecca: I wrote it for myself and also for whoever else was drawn to it. I believe in an Indian, Hindu notion of art, that you never make art alone. The people who are wanting and needing and looking for what you have to say are coming toward your art at the same time you are making it and moving toward them. The magic happens when the work and the audience meet. But it is a moment that has been brewing below the surface for much longer than you think.

Question: As a younger person who is becoming recognized as an important thinker/writer/activist (one of fifty future leaders of America!!), what is it like to have two parents who were well-known in leftist, activist movements?

Rebecca: Great. I have always been inspired by my parents' activism and work. They are important models for me.

Question: I'm wondering what borders you think need to be crossed in personal relationships in order to build healthy communities?

Rebecca: I think we must learn to forgive one another and stop seeing ourselves as so separate and different and distinct from each other. We need to realize that the space between us is an illusion, quantum physics proves it.

Question: If they do a movie version of your book, who would you want to play you? Seriously, what are your hopes for your book.

Rebecca: I would love for the book to continue to be a part of the national and international discourse on race, class and culture. It was translated into Hebrew and I would love for it to travel to Europe, etc. A movie could be fun, though I would want a lot of control because it is so personal, and so far no one wants to give me that.

Want to read more? Check out Rebecca's answers to P.O.V.'s 6 questions, the same 6 we asked all of the featured guests.

about Rebecca Walker


Rebecca Walker was named by Time Magazine as one of fifty future leaders of America. Her book, BLACK, WHITE and JEWISH: Autobiography of a Shifting Self, is an intimate portrait of growing up biracial in a racially divided world.


Read an excerpt from:

Autobiography of a Shifting Self

Visit the website of the Third Wave Foundation, an activist, philanthropic organization for young women that Rebecca Walker co-founded.