Film Update

No More Tears Sister - Nirmala Rajasingam update photoNIRMALA RAJASINGAM
(Rajani's older sister)
"It's not just Rajani's death but so many other peoples' deaths, hundreds of people, that have gone uninvestigated." | Read »


No More Tears Sister - Vasuki Rajasingam update photoVASUKI RAJASINGAM
(Rajani's younger sister)
"Though I can understand that people who are discriminated against need to make changes in society, I do think that taking up arms cannot really lead to freedom..." | Read »


(Rajani's older daughter)
"[My mother's] political legacy is that one person can make a difference, even if you have nothing to fight back with. You can be dangerous and powerful even if you don't carry a gun." | Read »


(Rajani's younger daughter)
"So I was just lying on the ground next to a bicycle with fake blood on me. And I had this moment where I thought about what she had seen just before she had died." | Read »


"We also learned that many Tamils felt uneasy about attending public screenings, fearful that the LTTE might be present and cause them ill. In Holland, a Dutch man explained that he had been sent by his Tamil neighbor, who was too frightened to see the film himself. " | Read »