Take Action

Discover More About Spirituality and Tibetan Culture

In My Reincarnation, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu rises as a Buddhist teacher in the West, while his son Yeshi breaks away to embrace the modern world. Discover ways to encourage discussions about the preservation of Tibetan culture, or more broadly about spirituality and mediation in your own faith.

Host a screening for your faith community. Follow up with a discussion about the commonalities and distinctions between your own traditions and the Buddhist teachings shared in the film.

Choose a single message or teaching from the film and, together with your faith community, meditation group or another group, discuss how to actualize that teaching in your lives. Commit to taking specific action steps based on your discussion.

Investigate the ways in which the survival of Tibetan culture is threatened and select a way to support its preservation. See the films or other websites in the Resources section for possible opportunities, or visit http://myreincarnationfilm.com/participate/support-tibet/.

Host a screening as part of a special father-son gathering. Use the film to facilitate conversations between parents and their children.