The Learning

PBS Premiere: Sept. 20, 2011Check the broadcast schedule »

Film Update

Grace Amper still lives and teaches in Baltimore. She has brought her two sons, her husband and her sister over to the United States permanently. Since filming stopped, she also gave birth to another son who is now three years old.

Dorotea Godinez now lives with her sons and husband in Baltimore. In talking about the recent court cases involving immigrant teachers' visas, she says that if they choose not to renew her family's visas, they will simply have to go back to the Philippines.

Rhea Espedido now lives with her son in Baltimore. Her husband is still in prison in the Philippines. She says that she still tries to live completely in the present and "not worry about the future."

Angel Alim-Flores - The Learning

Angel Alim-Flores is now married and teaches in Philadelphia. Her husband Anjilou continues to teach in Baltimore.
Read Angel's goodbye to Baltimore on her blog »