Audio Interviews: Faith and "The Other"


Menachem Daum
Menachem Daum
"I think in some ways this insular kind of Judaism demeans God. It reduces Him to a tribal deity who's only interested in us, to the exclusion of everybody else."

We asked Menachem Daum to reflect on the meaning he sees at the heart of the film: history, belief and his humanist ethic. | Go to Interview

Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Rabbi Irving Greenberg
"The word 'tolerance' is no longer adequate. We're seeing today the weakness of tolerance when it meets highly-charged, highly-emotional religious faith. The film challenges us not to tolerate but to understand in an empathetic way the humanity and power of the other."

An ordained Orthodox rabbi and scholar, Irving Greenberg has been a seminal thinker in confronting the Holocaust. He has written extensively on the theory and practice of pluralism. We spoke with Rabbi Greenberg about the tension between faith and doubt and asked him to reflect on the roots and response to fundamentalism.
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"Faith and 'The Other'" is a featured episode of POV's regular podcast. Download this episode in two MP3 files: Menachem Daum: Download the MP3 (4.5 MB), Rabbi Irving Greenberg: Download the MP3 (6.4 MB)