POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: Spiritual Dimensions of War-Time Moral Injury, 'Almost Sunrise' with the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary

Where: Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary – Stavros Hall, 4201 North Main Street, Columbia, SC 29203

When: Thursday, May 3rd at 6:30pm

The Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, in partnership with the Bureau for Federal Chaplaincies, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is hosting a free screening of Almost Sunrise. The film screening and panel discussion aim to broaden awareness of the impact of war-time military service on those who serve, families and loved ones. Also, with growing interest in moral injury, this program aims to offer a forum to consider spiritual resources for healing and hope. A discussion following the film will examine the effects of war-time service in the US military and consider spirituality and paths to healing and hope in reentering civil society.

Almost Sunrise Conversation Starters:

What kinds of situations do military service members face in combat that might contradict the moral codes of civilian life? How might military training override the ethical, spiritual or religious “training” we receive as civilians?

For more discussion prompts, download the discussion guide.

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