POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: ' Best Kept Secret' at Oklahoma University

Where: OSU-Tulsa , 2403 Main Building 700 N. Greenwood, Tulsa, OK

When: 11/09/2017 at 5:30 p.m.

Best Kept Secret by Samantha Buck

Next week, POV community partner Oklahoma State University Cineculture Club will reflect on moral injury with a a free screening of Best Kept Secret, followed by an open forum discussion. The Oklahoma State University Cineculture Club seeks to promote social and cultural awareness and address diversity issues through film and post-screening discussion. For more information, please visit the Oklahoma State University CineCulture Club Facebook group

Best Kept Secret Conversation Starter:

At the panel, senator Menendez says, “What I want to see for each child is to fulfill their God-given capability to its maximum potential and . . . with the belief that every child on the autism spectrum has the ability to do so and how do we help you accomplish that.” What is the responsibility of government to help every child reach his or her “maximum potential” regardless of starting abilities? What would you propose to senator Menendez as a plan of action to help accomplish his goal?
For more discussion prompts, download the discussion guide.

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!