POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: 'In the Light of Reverence' at Chamizal National Memorial Theatre

Where: Chamizal National Memorial Theatre – El Paso, TX

When: 12/21/2016 @ 7 p.m.

In the Light of Reverence
by Christopher MacLeod & Malinda Maynor

Join the Chamizal National Memorial and the National Park Service for a free screening of In Light of Reverence. For more information, call (915) 532-7273 (x.126).

The Chamizal National Memorial was established as a unit of the National Park Service in 1966 to commemorate the 1963 peaceful resolution to a nearly 100-year long border dispute between the United States and Mexico. On the third Wednesday of each month, Chamizal National Memorial provides the public with opportunities to explore the cultures of the US/Mexico borderlands, our national parks, our shared history on the North American continent and challenges and opportunities that have arisen from this history.

The program includes a dialogue around the issues raised in the film, hosted by Interpretive Park Ranger, Rodney Sauter.

In Light of Reverence Conversation Starter: In the film, the Native Americans who leave prayer bundles at Devils Tower are accused of “hanging dirty laundry.” Have you ever been personally criticized or disrespected for your religious beliefs? How did you respond, personally or collectively?

For more prompts for discussion, download the In Light of Reverence Discussion Guide.

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