POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: Amnesty International Honolulu Presents 'The Storm Makers'

The Storm Makers

Where: Amnesty International, Honolulu – Honolulu, HI

When: Sunday, May 8th @ 7:00pm

The Storm Makers

by Guillaume Suon

Join Amnesty International’s Honolulu Chapter for a free screening of The Storm Makers, as part of their Human Rights Film Festival. For more information, call (512) 366-0782.

About Amnesty International: Amnesty International is a global movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights.

The Storm Makers Conversation Starter: Aya describes abuse at the hands of her Malaysian “owner,” summarizing the indignities by saying, “I was no longer a human being.” Yet, she reports that he was praying for his mother when she ran away. What conditions make it possible for one human being to de-humanize another, while having seemingly normal relationships with other people in his life?

For more prompts for discussion, take a look at the The Storm Makers Discussion Guide.

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