POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: DeKalb Library Presents 'Ella Es el Matador'

Where: Brooklyn Public Library – DeKalb Branch, NY

When: Wednesday, March 30th @ 6pm

Ella Es el Matador
by Gemma Cubero and Celeste Carrasco

Join DeKalb Library for a free screening of Ella Es el Matador, in celebration of Women’s History Month. For more information, call (718)455-3898.

About DeKalb Library’s documentary film series: DeKalb Library has previously screened the documentaries Libby, MontanaAll the Difference; and American Revolutionary, in collaboration with POV.

Ella Es el Matador Conversation Starter: Matador Cristina Sanchez observes, “The law no longer bans us, but there’s still an unstated prohibition. In this world controlled by men, the top matadors have all the power.” In your opinion, why aren’t male matadors eager to share a bill with a woman or allow women to participate? Can you think of other sports that have excluded women? What do these sports share with bullfighting?

For more prompts for discussion, take a look at the Ella Es el Matador Discussion Guide.

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!