POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: Senior Planet Presents 'American Revolutionary'

Where: Senior Planet, New York

When: Friday, February 19th @ 2:30pm

American Revolutionary
by Grace Lee

Join Senior Planet for a free screening of American Revolutionary. For more information, visit the Senior Planet website.

About Senior Planet: Senior Planet is a technology-themed senior center. In addition to technology classes and workshops, they host film screenings that are of interest to their members.

American Revolutionary Conversation Starter: Grace Lee Boggs says, “One of the difficulties when you’re coming out of oppression and out of a bitter past is that you get a concept of the messiah and you expect too much from your leaders. And I think we have to get to that point that we are the leaders we’ve been looking for.” Can you think of an example when people have relied too much on their leaders and not enough on themselves? What was the result? What would the implications be for your life and work if you thought of yourself as a leader?

For more prompts for discussion, take a look at American Revolutionary Discussion Guide.

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!