POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Planning Presents 'The Overnighters'

Where: MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning

When: Wednesday, January 13th @ 7:00pm

The Overnighters
by Jesse Moss

Join the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning for a free screening of The Overnighters as part of an ongoing film series. For more information, visit DUSP Calendar or http://urbanfilm.org.

About the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning film series: This film series features documentary and feature films on topics related to cities, urbanism, design, community development, and urban, regional, and environmental planning.

The Overnighters Conversation StarterPastor Jay Reinke observes, “There are guys that come, and I hate to use the word ‘failed,’ but they’ve not succeeded as they’d hoped. And coming to Williston represents an opportunity to try something again on a new playing field, with new opportunities.” How would you reconcile this with the experience of Alan Mezo, who is asked to leave his work at the church when past misdeeds are uncovered? Mezo says, “It doesn’t matter what good a person does. Even if they’re a hero today, five years down the road, that’s buried somewhere. That’s not on their record. And all it is on their record, that stays with them throughout their life, is the negative stuff. And it’s sad, because that’s what they’re judged by.”

For more prompts for discussion, download The Overnighters Discussion Guide.

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