POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: Chicago Public Library – Woodson Regional branch Presents 'The Barber of Birmingham' and 'American Revolutionary'

Mr. Armstrong with flag in the POV documentary The Barber of Birmingham. Credit: Robin Fryday.

Where: Chicago Public Library – Woodson Regional

When: Saturday, January 30th @ 1:30pm

The Barber of Birmingham
by Gail Dolgin and Robin Fryday

Join the Chicago Public Library – Woodson Regional branch for a free screening of The Barber of Birmingham and American Revolutionary, in honor of African American History Month. For more information, visit the library’s events page.

About Woodson Regional Library’s celebration of African American History Month: Chicago Public Library – Woodson Regional branch will screen this double feature to kick off their celebration of African American History Month.

The Barber of Birmingham Conversation Starter: Armstrong refers to himself as a patriot, saying, “I love this country. I love Alabama.” In the 1960s, who would have agreed that people like Armstrong were patriots and who would have considered them to be enemies of the state? Would you label Armstrong a “patriot”? Why or why not?

For more prompts for discussion, take a look at The Barber of Birmingham Discussion Guide.

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