POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: University of North Dakota Indian Student Association Presents Up Heartbreak Hill

Where: Grand Forks, ND

When: November 12th, 2015, 5:00 PM

Up Heartbreak Hill

by Erica Scharf

Join University of North Dakota Indian Student Association for a free screening of  Up Heartbreak Hill. For more information, visit their website.

University of North Dakota Indian Student Association: The purpose of this organization is to promote a better understanding of cultures between students, faculty, staff, and the greater Grand Forks region and to recognize outstanding contributions to the American Indian Community.

Up Heartbreak Hill Conversation Starter: Thomas defends his home from detractors saying, “This is our land where I was raised. I just love the mountains and the trees and just the thought of being free.” What, if anything, ties you to the place where you grew up?

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!