POV's Documentary Blog

Enter for a Chance to Win the '56 Up' DVD

Watch 56 Up on PBS on Monday, October 14th at 10 p.m. (check local listings), or while it’s streaming online for free through November 14th, and enter our Premiere Party giveaway for a chance to win the 56 Up and StoryCorps Special DVDs! 

You can enter the giveaway before or after you watch the film — just fill out the entry form here.

Premiere Parties can be big or small, fancy or casual.  Here are some Brooklyn Castle Premiere Party plans from POV viewers:

Premiere Party winners will also receive organic popcorn from Quinn Popcorn, Fair-Trade and organic dark chocolate from Divine Chocolate and Fair-Trade, organic and shade-grown coffee from Grounds for Change, plus a POV reusable tote bag.

ALL entries will also be eligible for the Grand Prize!

Enter now at: www.pbs.org/pov/premiere-party/