POV's Documentary Blog

May 31: Navigating Funding and Broadcast Opportunities in Public Television

POV and ITVS: A partnership for independents and public media

Please join us for a forum about funding and broadcast opportunities for independents.

We will answer questions about how POV and ITVS work together to champion independently produced programming on public television, with a focus on our award-winning series POV and Independent Lens.

Joining the conversation will be Donald Thoms, PBS Vice President of Programming, who oversees arts and independent film programming.

Navigating Funding and Broadcast Opportunities in Public Television
Thursday May 31, 2012
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, followed by a reception

Galapagos Art Space
16 Main Street in Dumbo | Brooklyn, NY 11201

RSVP by May 25 to rsvpny@itvs.org