POV's Documentary Blog

Celebrate #MyAPALife with POV Films

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, celebrating people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent in the United States. POV is highlighting five films by and about Asian Americans, which are available to screen or stream for the month of May. Follow along and chime in to the social media conversation with the hashtag #MyAPALife.

The Caretaker is a portrait of two women who are outsiders in the place they call home. Their story represents the remarkable relationships between caregivers and the elderly in the United States. Stream now and share your own family story with #MyAPALife.

Wo Ai Ni (I Love You) Mommy What is it like to be torn from your Chinese foster family, put on a plane with strangers and wake up in a new country, family and culture? Fang Sui Yong, an 8-year-old orphan, is one of 70,000 Chinese children now being raised in the United States. Stream now or host a screening in your community and share your Asian Pacific American upbringing and experiences using #MyAPAlife. Screen the film | Download the lesson plan | Download the discussion guide

The Birth of Saké In Japan, saké has been popular for nearly 2,000 years. But this traditional rice wine is more than a mere libation; the country’s finest varieties are considered works of art. Stream now or host a screening and share what foods connect you to your roots using #MyAPALife. Screen the film | Download the lesson plan | Download the discussion guide

Ai Weiwei How the Chinese government’s attempts to silence Ai Weiwei have turned him into China’s most powerful artist and an irrepressible voice for free speech and human rights around the globe. Who inspires you to do great things? Share the special people in your life using #MyAPALife. Screen the film | Download the lesson plan | Download the discussion guide

American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs Meet Grace Lee Boggs, a Chinese American philosopher in Detroit who has been waging a revolution for 75 years. Her story unfurls to portray an evolving city and to examine the power of ideas and imagination to propel change.

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!