POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: 'Soldiers of Conscience' at the Avalon Branch Library

Where: Chicago Public Library, Avalon Branch – Chicago, IL

When: 7/26/2017 at 6:30 p.m.

Soldiers of Conscience by Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg

Join the Avalon Branch Library for a free screening of Soldiers of Conscience. The screening will be hosted to increase community and start a conversation – for more information, please visit the Library’s website.

Soldiers of Conscience Conversation Starter:

What does the film teach you about war and morality? Is it possible to maintain one’s sense of right and wrong when one is asked to suspend such beliefs for a period of time?

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!


Increased community connections and topical/world awareness.