POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: 'All the Difference' at St. Aidan's Episcopal Church

WhereSt. Aidan’s Episcopal Church – Tulsa, OK

When: 3/26/2017 at 3:00 PM

All the Difference by Tod Lending

Join St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church for a free screening of All the Difference as part of the ACTION Tulsa Education Awareness Weekend.

The ACTION Tulsa Education Awareness Weekend aims to get people talking about the importance of public education in Oklahoma. For more information, visit the ACTION Tulsa website. This screening will be followed by a guided conversation about the importance of African American males desiring, preparing for, and pursuing higher education. Conversation leaders will be members of the congregation and members of the Dan Allen Center for Social Justice Board of Directors.

All the Difference Conversation Starter: What is the significance of highly-qualified teachers in encouraging disenfranchised students to excel in school? How can we encourage a largely invisible struggle — that of young African-American men from impoverished communities making it through college — to be seen by a larger audience?

For more prompts for discussion, download the All the Difference discussion guide.

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!