POV's Documentary Blog

Featured Event: 'Art and Craft' at the Manchester Community Library

Where: Manchester Community Library – Manchester, VT

When: 2/16/2017 at 6:30 PM

Art and Craft by Sam Cullman, Jennifer Grausman, and Mark Becker

Vermont PBS is hosting a free evening screening of Art and Craft at the Manchester Community Library. For more information, visit the library’s website.

Vermont PBS seeks to offer opportunities for community engagement and discussion in Manchester, a community that enjoys the arts. The Manchester Community Library’s screening will be followed by a conversation with Jamie Franklin, Curator at the Bennington Museum, about the film and the questions it poses about the art world today.

Art and Craft Conversation Starter: Mark Landis has said about himself, “I like people to think of me as an art dealer and philanthropist, but I guess I get to be a dishonorable schoolboy.” How do you view Landis: artist, or prankster?

For more prompts for discussion, download the Art and Craft discussion guide.

Visit our local events calendar for a full list of events happening across the country and join our Community Network to host a screening of your own!