POV's Documentary Blog

Tribute to Michael Galasso, Composer for “Ella Es el Matador”

We wanted to share with our viewers that Michael Galasso, one of the composers of our film, whose work has inspired us throughout the years of making Ella Es el Matador (She Is the Matador) passed away in Paris last week, right after the POV broadcast. He left us too soon and with so much talent and generosity. We will never forget when we contacted him to see if he would want to collaborate in our film. His prompt and generous response filled us with joy. His music reveals the humanity and complexity of our characters. We feel very lucky to have met this talented man and to keep his spirit alive through his work in the film. For those of you who want to learn more about his inspirational work please visit: www.michaelgalasso.com.

Thank you Michael. You will be missed.

— Gemma Cubero and Celeste Carrasco, directors of Ella Es el Matador