POV's Documentary Blog

Doc Soup: What Did You Think of 'Expelled'?

Finally caught up with Expelled, the documentary that makes the argument for Intelligent Design, that was released on April 18. The movie stars columnist-humorist Ben Stein, who interviews scientists and other folks in his inquiry to understand if Intelligent Design is a valid intellectual theory and whether those who believe in it have been persecuted. As of my writing this, Expelled had made $6.75 million at the box office, landing it at the number 12 spot in all-time box office for documentary films. That places it, perhaps a little awkwardly, on the list between Tupac: Resurrection and Roger & Me. And it’s only going up.

So, folks, let’s face it. This is the moment everyone in the doc community was dreading or pretending would never come. The moment when the great advance in the popularity of documentary film also opens the doors to a non-fiction film that, well, does not sit comfortably between a thug rapper and Michael Moore.

At this point, I’d rather not influence the discussion, so I’ll just ask: Have any POV site visitors seen the film? Would anyone care to comment? Anyone?