The results of our News Hunt for good journalism on the 2008 elections are in! From July 1 – 14, POV and PBS Engage joined forces with, a nonprofit social news site devoted to finding good journalism, to review current news stories about the 2008 elections with a focus on the voting process from the perspective of the American man and woman on the street. Over this two week period, reviewers examined articles on election reform coverage from a wide range of sources, from The New Yorker and The New York Times to The Nation and The Huffington Post. See the top stories and a summary of what reviewers found over on the blog.

The News Hunt was one of the special features for the Election Day website, and while it’s now closed, the hunt for good journalism never ends. Check out for more opportunities to review news stories and to participate in the effort to highlight quality journalism.

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Catherine Jhee was formerly a producer with POV Interactive.