About the Characters

Bradley Crowder

Bradley Crowder from 'Better This World'Bradley Crowder was born in 1985 and raised in Midland, Texas. in 2008 he was arrested at the Republican National Convention on domestic terrorism charges. After taking a plea bargain, Crowder was sentenced to two years in federal prison.

Better This World had it's world premiere at the 2011 South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas. Crowder was there to answer questions at the screening Q&As along with the filmmakers. While attending the festival, he also participated in a StoryCorps interview with filmmaker Katie Galloway. Here are some excerpts from that audio recording.


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Clip 1
Crowder talks about his conservative background and how he made the leap from conservatism to radicalism.


Download the file (MP3, length: 1 minute, filesize: 1 MB)

Clip 2
Crowder talks about the protest, his experiences in prison and his thoughts about the value of revolutionary struggle after leaving prison.


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Clip 3
Crowder talks about the difference between revolutionary struggle and violence, and the importance of recognizing the separation that can -- and should -- exist.


Download the file (MP3, length: 1 minute, filesize: 1.4 MB)

Clip 4
Crowder shares his prison reading list.


Download the file (MP3, length: 1.5 minutes, filesize: 1.1 MB)

Clip 5
Crowder talks about Brandon Darby and how he feels about him now.


Download the file (MP3, length: 1 minute, filesize: 1 MB)

Clip 6
Crowder talks about his approach to being a documentary subject and what he thinks about the film now.


Download the file (MP3, length: 1 minute, filesize: 1 MB)

Clip 7
Crowder provides an update on his life now and the effect that he thinks prison might have on David McKay.