
PBS Premiere: Aug. 18, 2009Check the broadcast schedule »

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34x25x36: Filmmaker Website
Visit the filmmaker's website for the film to learn more about the greater body of work that 34x25x36 comes from.

Patina V
The website for the mannequin factory featured in the film provides images of the various lines of mannequins and measurements for some of them.

National Institute on Media and the Family: Media's Effect on Girls: Body Image and Gender Identity
The National Institute on Media and the Family provides a summary of studies conducted on body image and gender identity for both boys and girls in this fact sheet.

HealthyPlace.com: Eating Disorders: Body Image and Advertising
This article provides a concise look at the way that advertising affects people of all ages and pressures both genders to live up to certain aesthetic ideals. (Dec. 11, 2008)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Body Image: Loving Yourself Inside and Out
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides information and resources on body image and how to improve body image among females. The site also contains information on the ways that parents transmit their feelings about body image to their children and ways that parents can encourage the development of healthy body image.